5 HIDDEN Images in Famous Logos!

5 HIDDEN Images in Famous Logos!


The FedEx logo is possibly one of the most famous logos with a hidden message, and that's mostly because when you see what hidden in plain sight, you don't have just one, but two, "Oh" moments.
Once, when you see the hidden arrow that's formed in the negative space between the second E and X in FedEx, and the second time when you suddenly understand that what the image is subtly implying is that FedEx is always moving forward.
This clever symbol, which has won 40 awards, was designed by Lindon Leader in 1994, when he was senior design director at Landor associates, a brand consulting and design firm.
Lindon claims that his hope for the arrow was that it would surprise potential customers, which would make them remember it.
On May 15th, 2003, the 35th anniversary of Rolling Stone magazine ranked the FedEx logo as one of the eight best logos of the previous 35 years. That's pretty impressive.


In August of 2008 the men, Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp, founded and internet and application company called Cold Brew Lads.
The ran it out of Sciarra's home in California. After the company's first product, a shipping assistant app called Tote, failed to resonate with users, Silbermann realized what people needed was a catalog of ideas, and so the company launched Pinterest, a photo sharing website and mobile application. 
In keeping with the pin board style and a reminder to everyone of just what the site does, the logo for the company has a very specific hidden image.
Fittingly, The P in the word Pinterest closely resembles and actual pin.
While many may see this as a bit on the nose, Michael Deal and Juan Carlos Pagan, the logo's designers saw a map pin the more they looked at the P, and thus formed the logo around the idea.


Have you ever been on the globally popular online shopping site, Amazon.com, and thought, "Hey, is that logo smilling at me?" well, if so, you definitely wouldn't be alone.
The first iteration of the current logo was designed by Turner Duckworth in 2000 as Amazon made a big switch from a site that sold books to a site that sold pretty much anything.
In addition to presenting a happy smiling demeanor reflecting the positivity and satisfaction that comes with shopping on their website, that little orange smiling line in the Amazon logo is also something else to show what the company is promising.
Originating at the first A in Amazon and ultimately pointing at the Z, the arrow represents the company offering everything from A to Z when it comes to the customer's needs.
The logo has been so well-received that often Amazon uses the arrow by itself to brand boxes and products.


When advertising your product, especially when it's edible, it's always good to show people enjoying it.
But while some companies show this through print media or commercials on television, Tostitos, the snack that proudly holds the crown as the king of corn chips, actually shows people enjoying the product right in their logo.
When Frito Lay's a division of PepsiCo, released Tostitos to the American consumer in 1980, the chip quickly became a popular food.
In September of 2003, the company decided to update the product's logo, but in the process of adding more color to the word Tostitos, a hidden image was also added.
If you look carefully at the Ts, you'll see they're actually two people sharing a triangular corn chip that are about to dip it into the dot of the I, which is shaped like a bowl of salsa.
Though updates have been made since 2003, this image is still at the center of Tostitos today.


Founded in Glendale, California in 1945, Baskin Robbins was created when Burt Baskin and his brother-in-law lrv Robbins merged their individual ice cream parlors in to one big one, with the ambitious promise that their customers could enjoy a different flavor of ice cream every day of the month.
To keep this promise, the company consistently has 31 flavors of ice cream always available, and this became what Baskin Robbins is known for even today.
Their current logo was unveiled in 2007, a year after the start of a new branding push for the company, and though it's clear to see the B and R in the colorfully bright image, it's a touch harder to notice that the number 31 still holds a place in their advertising, making up the front of the letter B and the back of the letter R.
The pink 31 is the same color as the spoons Baskin Robbins gives to customers looking to taste the flavors.
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