5 HIDDEN CODES Within Famous Paintings!

5 HIDDEN CODES Within Famous Paintings!

It's been said that when artists paint something, it's them putting their message out in to the world.
But what if the painter's trying to say something secret.
Some of the greatest pieces of art work, the masterpieces that we all know of are not all that they seem to be.
Through examination by some of the world's greatest minds it was discovered that within the paint and canvas laid a secret message.
These are five famous paintings with hidden codes.


Number one is The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.

One of the most well-known paintings of all time, The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci was painted in Milan, Italy in the late 1490's.
Controversy surrounds this famous painting, especially after being heavily featured in author Dan Brown's historical fiction novel, The Da Vinci Code.
However Mr.Brown is not the only one with theories about what secret meanings lurk beyond the brush strokes of this famous painting.
Italian musician Giovanni Maria Pala discovered that when a musical scale is laid across the table, and the hands and loaves in the painting are taken as notes, a musical composition is formed.
When read left to right, as was the writing style of Da vinci, a 40 second tune comes to life.
While this may seem way to far-fetched to believe, even disbelieving scholars support this theory due to the fact that the composition boasts perfect harmony.


Number four is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Famous for her elusive smile, her following you all-the-time eyes and the fact that she may actually be the wolmanized self-portrait of painter, Mona Lisa's meaning and identity has intrigued historians for ages.
painted in 1503, Da Vinci was back at it again hiding secret messages and meanings in his work.
Historians in Italy have just discovered that when mona lisa's eyes are magnified, tiny numbers and letters can be seen.
A distinctive L, V is found in her right eye which many assume to stand for Leonardo Da Vinci as well as indistinguishable symbols in her left eye.
On the bridge in the background the number 72 appears along with the number 149 on the back of the painting.
Are all these numbers just coincidence? Are historians looking for something that just isn't there? well many experts insist that these letters and numbers are code for a real-life Da Vinci code-like puzzle.
However nobody has ever even come close to solving it.


Number three is An Allegory with Venus and Cupid by Angolo Bronzino.

Painted in 1545 by Italian painter Agnolo Bronzino this painting features Venus and Cupid making love.
While some people claim that this painting is simply about love, beauty and jealousy, compelling evidence was brought forward in 1986 that the characters unmistakably showed clinical signs of syphilis.
Looking at the figures in the background they are all evidently ill with swollen fingers and missing fingernails. Their toothless gums suggest mercury poisoning.
Mercury being the closest thing to an STI treatment available at the time. Even the little guy that's showering Venus and Cupid with rose petals has got the disease.
If you look closely at his right foot he appears to have stepped on a rose thorn and not have noticed.
Once again an indication that someone got carried away in the throes of passion.
On it's own, this painting is disturbing but it's secret message about the effects of syphilis is worse.


Number two is the Portrait of Bill Clinton by John Nelson Shanks.

As is traditional for all presidents, former United States President Bill Clinton had his portrait commissioned by a well-known artist John Nelson Shanks.
Having done portraits for many celebrities and politicians from Ronald Reagan to Princess Diana, Mr. Shanks seemed like a perfect fit for the job.
This portrait is of the former President standing beside the mantle in the Oval Office. Seemingly an innocent image, right? Painted in 2005 in a studio in Philadelphia news of a secret message hidden in the portrait didn't break until 2015. Mr. Shanks finally admitted that the shadow that you can see on the mantle was actually an outline of the infamous DNA = Stained blue dress that Monica Lewinsky wore during their infamous romp in the White House.
Shanks said in an interview with People magazine. that the shadow of the dress on the mantle acts as a metaphor for the mark of the popular sex scandal.
Just goes to show you that pictures are sometimes worth more than a thousand words.


Number one is The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo.

One of the most iconic images of all time, the Creation of Adam was painted by Michelangelo in 1512 as part of his commissioned work on the Sistine Chapel.
As well as being renowned as one of the greatest painters and sculptors to come out of the Italian Renaissance, Michelangelo was also and enthusiastic student of anatomy.
If you take a closer look at The Creation of Adam you will notice that the cape behind God very clearly resembles the outline of a brain.
Right down to the pituitary stock, Michelangelo managed to incorporate many complex components of the brain.
American scientists have confirmed that The Creation of Adam as well as other panels done by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel feature true anatomical sketches.
It was well-known that Michelangelo harbored resentment for the church in regards to their dismissal of science.
Perhaps this was his revenge.
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