The 5 CREEPIEST WEBSITES on the Internet

The 5 CREEPIEST WEBSITES on the Internet

Welcome everyone to a brand new Top 5.
Now we all know the internet like the back of our hands. We use Facebook, twitter, and we all have our own little guilty pleasure websites like 9GAG, Buzzfeed, and those other ones that we visit on a regular basis. However, those are extremely tame compared to some of the ones out there that i guarantee you have not heard of, or at least i hope you haven't.
So friends today i took the plunge into the very weirdest parts of the internet that i would so no man has ever gone, but unfortunately they have. so prepare yourself because here are the 5 creepiest websites on the internet.


Number five is Staggering Beauty.

Oh this one's the stuff of nightmares. We now live in a world where there are all kinds of video games and all kinds of genres. There are fun games like Super Mario.
There's other games that are a little harder like Dark Souls. And then there are other ones that are part artwork, part seizure inducing nightmare 
Well friends Staggering Beauty is a website that contains nothing but a black worm with white eyes. As you move your mouse around gently, the worms head follows in silence but the longer that you do it the screen suddenly flashes with crazy colors and blaring music. It's one of those really bizarre websites that you can never really stumbleupon yourself.
It would have to be sent to you by some sick friend. If you do choose to visit this website i highly recommend you do so with caution, especially if you have epilepsy because, you know, you gonna end up like. I have to be honest though as really bizarre as this website is the animations are really quite good, which leads to me believe that it took some time to develop. so my only question to the developer of this website is, why? There's so many things that you coulda spent your time on, why this? 


Number four is the Bongcheon Dong Ghost.

Well that's fun to say. thanks to the beautiful invention of the internet, comic artists and writers now have the opportunity to post their web comics directly online for your consumption. But that means that anyone can post online and because of that some people decided to make a weird internet screaming Bongcheon Dong Ghost, which is a Korean web comic about a ghost woman in pink pajamas asking where her baby is. It's as weird as it sound. The idea is generally simple, withe the story unfolding vertically. But the comic has a few automatic scroll triggers. Once you hit a certain page in the comic, it starts to auto scroll through a series of images. kind of like a creepy flip book. The two triggers are at a point when the ghost turns its head, and later when it lungers towards you and yes there's sound. As creepy of an affect as it is, if you like jump scary stuff you're going to love this website. The comic sort of gives your computer the feel that it's haunted so i suggest you proceed with caution, especially if you're watching it at night. you should probably wear a diaper, cause you gonna poop yourself.


Number three is Zombocom.

You know, waiting in line is horrible. ain't nobody got time for that no one likes to do it. Unless you're frequent visitor of Zombocom, in which case you probably enjoy the virtual experience of waiting in a line while you sit through a loading screen. Yeah, that's the website. Well Zombocom is nothing but a loading screen.
Actually it's more a parody of other websites that contain long loading screens. Yeah, that's it, that's the website. It's literally just a loading i con and what really makes the website creepy is that when you first go to it you're welcomed by a weird voice that says, "Welcome to Zombocom." Some people got way too much time on their hands. There's just something really unsettling and ominous about the whole thing. The carnival music that accompanies the positive sounding monotone speech, is really something to experience. I think the best way to convey the creepiness to you, is to say that the website feels like an online equivalent of a clown. Overwhelmingly positive and yet completely devoid of anything more just endless smiles. If you have a lot of spare time, feel free to check this out at your leisure cause it's a good time killer. Also, get a life.


Number Two is Memory of.

Oh god this one's disturbing. You know, losing a child is something unimaginable, and it's something that most parents wouldn't want to share. I said most parents, because Memory of is a website dedicated to children that have died as a stillborn and it labels itself as an online center for healing. The website contains condolences, photo albums, and memorial candles. it's equal parts tragic and creepy, especially the photo album, that's a little bit more one the creepy side. You know, the healing aspect of it, i get that, i think it's a great thing but taking pictures of stillborn babies is really gross. in fact it kinda makes me nauseous cause the idea of death and the, kind of..


Number one is Creepypasta.

If you're a 90's kid you probably recall the show Are You Afraid of the Dark. Which consisted of a series of horror stories told by kids around a campfire, it was classic. Well this website lists the weirdest creepypastas that you could possibly imagine which is kind of like a digital version of a campfire horror story. The website is simple and effective at presenting modern urban legends that people would message each other about online, except it's all gathered in one freaky place. Now creepypasta is of course one of the many website that are out there that allow users to post and rate creepy stories online but because this is the website that helped bring slenderman into our lives, i'm gonna give it the creepy seal of approval. you know, a lot of people say that if you spend any extended amount of time on this website reading through all the stories,
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