5 Everyday Things You're Doing Wrong

5 Everyday Things You're Doing Wrong

There are many things that we do on a daily basis that we've been doing our entire lives, like sleeping, brushing our teeth and even poopin'.
But what if i told you that you've probably been doing those things wrong this entire time? Many of the thing that we do daily we taught to us at a young age, but as it turns out many of those things that we all seem to do the same way are actually not the right way to do them at all.
prepare to have your mind blown because here are 5 every things you'r been doing wrong.


Number five is brushing your teeth.

Everybody alway comments on my damn teeth, about why are they so white? but you might be surprised to learn that  up until this video, i was brushing my teeth wrong just like you probably are.
Now, of course, brushing your teeth seems wicked easy, but ther is in fact a proper way of doing it that many people are unaware of.
One thing you might not realize is that you're probably using way too much toothpaste.
It only takes a small dab to get your chompers clean, like about the size of a pea.
Secondly, and most commonly, you're probably brushing way too hard.
you may think the harder that your brush the more stuff you get off your teeth, but you're actually wearing away tooth enamel and that's not good, so brush softer.
Also for a similar reason never rush brushing. 30 seconds per quadrant or about two minutes is ideal.
Finally, despite what you may have learned growing up, brushing your teeth immediately before or after a meal will actually do more bad than good.
Many foods weaken our enamel, and brushing right after can actually damage your teeth. and once you lose your enamel, baby, that's it, they just start fallin' out and bad things happen.


Number four is cooling a bottled drink.

On a hot day, when there's nothing cold to drink, most people just throw some bottles of beer or soda in the freezer and wait, and wait.
But this is actually a huge waste of time that you don't have to do. Yes, there's a better way to get it cooler faster, and believe it or not, it involves paper towels. 
That's right, just wet some paper towels and wrap them around the bottle that you're cooling before popping it in the freezer. doing this will usually cool your drink in less than 15 minutes. compare that to half an hour or more without them. Now, if there's no freezer or paper towels around, but you do happen to have some ice in a cooler, for example like at the beach or camping, just add some salt to it. but wait, doesn't salt melt ice? well, yes, but salt also helps absorb heat, specifically from the submerged bottle that you've placed in it. There, no more warm Coca-Colas for you.


Number three is wearing ear buds.

Although the world seems to be going wireless, there are still many people who prefer wired earbuds, but guess what? Chance are you've been wearing them incorrectly the whole time.
You may have bought a pair only to realize that they don't fit your ears properly, so maybe you stuff them deep in there to keep them in place, or if you're like me, they just constantly fall out. Well, I'm guessing you wear them the same way that most people do, straight up into your ears. but actually that isn't right. The best way to keep earbuds in your ear is to loop them from behind your hear and down, so that part of the cord runs over your ear.
It may seem odd at first considering that this is your first time, but it will stop the cords from being pulled out of your ear when they sway too much or get snagged on something.
It might feel odd, but trust me, the joy that you'll feel from being able to run or go about your daily life without them falling out is so worth it.


Number two is Microwaving

We've all used the microware probably more than once to heat up yesterday's dinner leftovers, but as you guessed, there's a good chance that you've been doing it wrong this whole time.
Though it sometimes seems like microwaves unevenly heat up food inside them, they're actually designed to cook food evenly. The thing is, they can't properly do that if you leave food in a huge pile in the middle of the plate.
Instead, try spreading food around the rim of the plate in the shapre of a doughnut.
I know this sounds weird, but it will help heat everything evenly, letting the microwaves pass through all of the food. it's a good idea to put leftovers in for one-minute intervals, stirring in- between to get a more even exposure. in addition, when microwaving very dry foods, try putting a cup of water in with it. Since microwaves target water and dry foods obviously have very little, it will make the food more moist. finally, if you want to cook faster and put more than bowl in the microwave, put one of them on the side, and the other on a mug next to it. two for one heating.


Number one is sleeping.

Do you ever wake up and still feel tired, even though you know that you got a whole night's sleep? Well, if you're one of those people that always gets tired, the problem's likely not the amount of hours that you get, but how you sleep that's wrong.
First off, the best position to sleep is on your back, with one pillow under your knees or, if that's uncomfortable for you, on your site with a pillow between your legs so that your spine can stay aligned. Secondly, keeping a specific bedtime will help your body learn when to shut down for the night and when to wake back up.
now if you're between 18 to 64 years old, it's healthy to get around seven to nine hour of sleep.
But believe it or not the younger that you are, the more that you'll need.
Also, try to keep as little light in the room as possible, and although it's tempting, don't watch TV before bed and don't go on your phone before bed, and certainly don't go on your phone in bed.
The blue light that's emitted from these devices will actually mess up your sleep patterns. If anything, try to expose yourself to warm, dim light before bed.
it'll help you have sweet dreams. 
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