The 5 CRAZIEST DRUGS You Never Knew Existed

The 5 CRAZIEST DRUGS You Never Knew Existed

OH man, i need to stop buying unmarked pills for my headaches (whines).
So the world is filled with all kinds of drugs and for good reason.
it's a profitable industry. But while the legal pharmaceutical global market is worth more than a trillion dollars in revenue, the value of the global illegal drug trade is estimated at 360 billion dollars and drug dealers don't pay no taxes. And one reason that it's so profiable it that drug dealers are constantly coming up with new drugs to satisfy highs of the people who buy them. And the effects of these drugs are not only going to shock you, but they're drugs you've never even heard of, let alone expected to exist.
And, yes, all of the drugs i'm about to tell you about do in fact exist, and trust me, you do not want to take any of these. But not only that some of them get you high and you didn't even realize that they were drugs.
So here are the 5 Creziest Drugs you never knew existed.


Number three are speedballs.

When taking heavy drugs, eventually a person will gain a tolerance to it, making them take more and more until they need something stronger. and sometimes they'll even mix two really strong substances thay they've built a tolerance to. that's when bad things happen.
Enter the speedball, a mixture of cocaine and heroin that not only gets a person really high but also mellows them out. Yeah, that's weird, i know. But let me explain.
See, cocaine is a stimulant, which amps you up, man, while heroin is a depressant. Thing is, mixed together these two drugs level a user out, preventing them from crashing after the high, which gives them the false sense that they have a higher tolerance than they really do. This often leads to them taking more of each until they eventually overdose and die.


Number four is Freon.

Like i said, drug abusers will seek out a high from almost anything, including the refrigerator. Believe it or not, Freon, a gaseous substance found in many fridges freezers and air conditioning units can be used as an inhalant to get someone high. But it's not exactly worth it. The effects of it include dizziness, hallucinations, freezing of the lungs, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure, you know, just to name a few. But the real scary side effects are the brain damage, cardiac arrests and comas that huffing this stuff can actually cause. In fact, it's so bad its street name is the Breath of Death. Oh man, I just dropped my keys under the fridge. shouldda held my breath.


Number three number six is idosing.

This one's really going to surprise you because it's not a pill or an injection or even something you smoke or eat.
You actually take it through your ears and anyone can do it right now. I dosing is done by listening to different specific frequencies that force your brain into a state of confusion, happiness or even terror.
By stimulating different parts of your mind through things like tones, the sudden switching of keys and randomized volume changes, idosing alters your mental state, in some cases, a similar way to certain narcotics. Some tracks have been created with the singular purpose of replacing drugs like ecstasy or heroin. And all of that through your ears.
Now i know you're curious and you're probably going to look it up so i might as well tell you that idosing tracks are available on Youtube right now. But please be careful as it affects everybody differently.


Number two is Stilton cheese.

Not all drugs give you intense high, some just give you an intense dream. Stilton cheese is a dairy product made in only three countries across Britain. But what's especially weird about it is that it's openly available in many places. But it qualifies as a drug because of the way people abuse it. Someone discovered that by eating this particular cheese in large quantities, you end up having intense bizarre and truly vivid dreams. In fact, it's been calculated tat 75% of women and 85% of men have incredible experiences asleep after consuming Stilton cheese. Some people have even reported waking up to claim that they have conversed with dead loved ones. Creepy cheese people with your dairy-infused nightmares. You stay away. 


Number one are Lickable toads.

Like i said, it's no secret that some people will do just about anything to get high, including inhaling their own fermented waste. So licking an amphibian really shouldn't be that surprising. two toads in particular, the Bufo alvarius and Colorado River Toad secrete hallucinogenic toxins from their skin and while licking may get you some kinda high, it can also get you some kinda dead. Yes, death is a tiny side effect from doing this, but that doesn't stop some people from taking it up a notch. Some users actually take the toxin, dry it, and then burn it, inhaling the smoke. The result is and even more intense and lucid dream-like psychoactive high that could have you walking out into the street, high-fiving a truck in no time. Hey man, did you lick one of them toads again? 

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