5 Foods that Can Kill You Instantly

5 Foods that Can Kill You Instantly

Many of the foods that you eat regularly have lots of different varieties, but eat the wrong one and it could kill you.
Even if you've eaten mushrooms, fish, or even cheese you've probably noticed that there are many different varieties of each.
but what you probably didn't know is that depending on where you are, some places sell those foods that are actually highly toxic to certain people.
So you might want to pay attention to what's on this list.
Here are 5 foods that can kill you instantly.


Number five are death cap mushrooms.

There's an estimated 10,000 different types of mushrooms in North America alone.
So unless you're an expert, you may want to rethink your chances of properly telling apart the edible ones from the poisonous ones out in the wild.
Amanita phalloides, or death caps, are, as the name implies, some of the most poisonous mushrooms you can find.
While native to Europe, due to importing wood and certain nuts, these deadly fungi have found the way to grow in North America, Australia, Western Asia, and even some
South American countries. Although they're actually rumored to taste quite pleasant, they'll also cause severe gastronomical upset and organ failure.
Poisoning most commonly happens because people who find them think that they're normal or even hallucinogenic mushrooms, which was actually the fate of famous composer Johann Schobert, his wife, his child, four guests, and his maid, after insisting that his mushrooms were indeed edible.
Yeah, They weren't, he dead.


Number four is fugu.

One fish, two fish, blowfish, dead person.
An estimated 30 to 50 people every year fall victim to one of the most deadly foods in the world.
And basically every one of them is doing so with full knowledge of the danger that they face. Fugu, better known as the puffer fish or blowfish, is considered a delicacy in Japan.
The problem is though, a single fish contains enough poison to kill 30 adults with no known antidote. The toxins these things contain are 1,200 times stronger than cyanide.
It paralyzes those who are brave or foolish enough to consume it while they stay fully conscious and die from asphyxiation.
Chefs have to undergo at least three years of specialized training to be qualified to prepape the fish properly. which involves removing the creature's most toxic organ, the liver. Serving fugu liver was banned in Japan back in 1984, but that hasn't stopped some daredevil diners demanding to try it, succeeding in being served it, and then possibly paying the ultimate price.


Number three are Giant Namibian bullfrogs.

If you're ever wanted to try eating a frog, i recommend you go French style and strick with the legs. Because when it comes to Namibia's version of them, any more than that might pu you in the hospital or even worse, in your grave. Giant bullfrogs are a delicacy in Namibia and can be upwards of 9 inches long and weigh over a pound.
Since they're virtually indistinguishable from many more edible frogs, these amphibians pose a real danger to those who crave frog meat.
They're usually only found on the black market, not only because they're endangered but also because they're highly toxic. The majority of the bullfrog is poisonous to humans, including its skin, tongue, and most organs, and eating one can cause kidney failure.
Young adults males who have not yet mated are considered to be the most dangerous. that's right, a bullfrog will blue balls is deadly.


Number two us casu marzu cheese.

When the name for the food you're about to serve literally means rotting cheese, it might be better to serve cheddar cubes and crackers instead.
Casu marzu is the Sardinian name for maggot cheese. Yep, you heard that right, maggot cheese. This Italian sheep's milk specialty is made by removing the rind and leaving it outside so that cheese flies will lay their eggs inside of it. As many as 500 eggs are added to this dairy product at any one time. Once the larvae hatch, they eat, digest, and excrete the cheese from inside. it's the acid from this process that makes the cheese soft and ready to eat. So basically you're eating maggot poop.
The thing is. you have to eat it when the maggots are still alive and squirming because dead ones are highly toxic and yes, can kill you.
What's worse is that if you don't chew them properly, living maggots will turn your innards into the new all you can eat buffet.
Two dangers, one cheese and a whole lot of no.


And number one is water hemlock.

At eight feet tall and a distinctive collection of while and green umbrella shaped flowers on it, you'd think that these plants would be easy to avoid touching altogether, let alone accidentally eating. But unfortunately nature has a way of making deadly things look appetizing. Hemlock is one of the most lethal plants in the world and is considered to be the most poisonous plant in North America. History shows that it was a particular favorite in Ancient Greece, most notably being responsible for the death of Socrates.
What makes water hemlock so dangerous is that the fresh root, the most toxic part of the plant, strongly resembles a parsnip.
But unlike parsnips, water hemlock contains cicutoxin, a neurotoxin that over stimulated the central nervous system, causing nausea, breathing problems, kidney failure, 
seizures, and soon after ingestion, death.
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